Place Your Order for standard service + facebook & mobile option
Our standard service including complete custom design and set-up for your website is $1,100 for the first year, and $350/year after the first.
Mobile Support is available as an option for our standard service. This includes complete responsive design for multiple device sizes and orientations.
Cost is $400 for the first year, and $150/year after the first.
Facebook app is available as an option for our standard service, or stand alone.
Option cost is $400 for the first year, and $150/year after the first or, stand alone is $1,100 for the first year, and $350/year after the first.
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Once your order is placed, one of our project managers will contact you to discuss your options, preferences, and obtain the necessary details to get your system set-up.
Your order is secure - 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed!
By entering my credit/debit card above, I hereby authorize GotWWW, LLC to charge my credit card for these, and only these, authorized services and usage fees.